Cubby Paperless Survey Reveals Industry-wide Challenges with End Consumers’ Paperless Bills

A March 2021 survey conducted by Cubby Paperless revealed why consumers are resistant to switching from paper to paperless bills, as well as the factors that would motivate them to switch.

In the ongoing effort to encourage end customers to switch from paper to paperless bills and statements, companies have encountered resistance. The survey revealed that 85% of people experience challenges with current solutions of receiving and organizing paperless bills and statements and revealed how companies can improve their end customers’ experience.

Cubby Paperless (, a technology platform that helps consumers manage paperless bills and statements and enables companies to transition their customers from paper to paperless, conducted a survey of 400 consumers across the United States. The survey was conducted to validate consumer interest in and willingness to use the service once it’s available. According to the survey, the top challenges with paperless bills and statements include:

  • Logging into a company’s website each month to access bills and statements each month (46%)
  • Navigating different company websites, which is sometime cumbersome (42%)
  • Losing email notifications of bills in spam folders (36%), sometimes resulting in missed or late payments (27%)

In spite of those challenges, consumers consider paperless bills and statements more convenient (80%) and better for the environment (64%).

The survey then displayed a video featuring a digital solution to manage paperless bills and statements, without mentioning Cubby Paperless as the company that developed the service. After viewing the video, 77% responded that they would likely sign up for the service and 91% said they would likely switch more of their paper bills and statements to paperless if the service were available. In addition:

  • 76% liked that “everything was in one place”
  • 71% felt the service would help them to be organized
  • 63% believed the service seemed easy to use

The benefits to companies who use Cubby Paperless to distribute paperless bills and statements to their customers include cost savings, increased paperless adoption, reduction in late payments, and improved customer satisfaction.

Cubby Paperless, which is currently under development, is now in the process of validating the concept with companies interested in transitioning more of their customers to paperless bills. Gary Stringham, founder of Cubby Paperless, is seeking representatives from utility companies serving end consumers to offer their professional feedback so Cubby may continue developing its platform to deliver high value for those companies.

Representatives would only need to be available for a 30-minute call. Those who contribute will receive a full copy of the recent survey, including more detailed feedback from all 400 survey respondents. To contribute, please contact Gary at or 208-939-6984.

For a free high-level summary of the survey results, contact Gary at or call 208-939-6984.


About Cubby Paperless, LLC

Cubby Paperless lowers the barrier to converting end consumers from paper to paperless bills and statements by making it easier for consumers to switch to paperless and easier for them to access their paperless statements. This, in turn, reduces companies' paper, printing, and postage costs and enhances their customers’ experience. Learn more at Contact Gary at for a demo.

First published on Energy Central here.

Category: Press Release

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