FileThis shut down and abandoned their customers. Check out Cubby Paperless, a better alternative.
Published by: Gary Stringham on
Autopay sounds fantastically convenient. No more time spent writing checks and no logging into dozens of websites to pay your bills. However, the "set it and forget it" aspect of autopay can lead to overspending.
Published by: Gary Stringham on
We all have pay bills to pay. No one looks forward to it and it’s not a pleasant task at the best of times. But when the process is filled with friction and frustrations, the experience becomes even worse.
Published by: Gary Stringham on
Customers want to view and pay their bills online. They want to see their financial picture all at once, not in small pieces reported on each biller website.
Published by: Gary Stringham on
Try as they might, companies have been unable to achieve the level of paperless customers they would like. Why is this?
Published by: Gary Stringham on
Three in four adults, across all generations, switched at least one bill to paperless in 2021, and paperless adoption rates are rising. Yet, such on-the-go convenience apparently does not “fit the bill” for everyone.
Published by: Gary Stringham on
As consumers, we deal with dozens of logins. Though we readily agree to paperless relationships with many entities, managing this collection of digital information each month can be overwhelming.
Published by: Gary Stringham on
Environmental stewardship and concern about our hectic lives is commendable, but is that what going paperless is all about?
Published by: Gary Stringham on